Project Lifesaver
The mission of Project Lifesaver is bringing your loved ones home. Project Lifesaver is a radio tracking system designed for people with diagnoses that involve a wandering risk such as
Dementia, Alzheimer's, Autism and Down Syndrome. The client wears a transmitter on his or her ankle that emits a unique radio signal once every second, 24 hours a day. If the client wanders and is missing, the Oshkosh Police Department will deploy specially trained electronic search
specialists to the area the client was last seen and begin searching using radio receivers. These radio receivers can detect the signal for up to a mile on the ground and five-seven miles in the air.
Sergeant Todd Wrage is the program administrator. Caregivers will purchase the transmitter from the Oshkosh Police Department and Sgt. Wrage will go in-home to complete the necessary forms and perform the initial installation of the transmitter. Each month, a member of the team will visit the client to replace the band and battery and to ensure that the transmitter is functioning properly.
For more information on this program, please contact Sergeant Todd Wrage at (920) 236-5757, by email , visit the Project Lifesaver website or view the brochure.